บริษัท แตร์รัวร์ (กรุงเทพ) จำกัด
NO: 833
Founded in 2007,TERROIR has respected theTERROIRcustoms and cultures concept, out of love for wine. We've alwaysadhered to the concept of premium wine management by visitingthe origin of independent wineries, through professional selection,to convey goodwill to things and people. Thus forms our own liquorsupply chain and sell exclusively in our own stores. Our place ofproduction covers France,Spain,Australia, Italy,Belgium, Japanand etc. Liquor involves wine, craft beer, Sake with more over 500types at present.
From 2007 to 2014,Terroir completed the transformation froma wine store to a premium wine cellar integrated with westernrestaurant,re-established the "SITE TASTE& FOOD"sub-brand of premium wine cellar integrated with westernrestaurant,focused on the development of expericnce storemodel, from a single retail to a prcmium wine restaurant barwith comprehensive experience.As all wines are self-selectedand imported,since 2014,the restaurant has launched afour-year exploration, and completed the self-developed menusystem in 2018, and officially determined the menu model in2019. In 2020,our professional manual central kitchen wascstablished.The self-growth and renewal system of R&D -production - sales - R&D - production has been completed.Relying on the self-built central kitchen to independentlydevelop dishes,we've blended French, Italian, Spanish,Ameri-can, Japanese,Chinese and other cuisines.With the help of ourown ripening system and specialized in bone reef ripeningsystem, 've formed our own Australian beef,Spanish hamsupply chain.Now we have over 200 dishes with wine pairingas the core.
Our wine selection includes wine, spirits, craft beer, sake. And our Import coun-tries involve France,Australia,Italy, Spain,Belgium, Scotland, Canada, Japanand etc. The professional wine selection and upstream supply chain advantagescreate product richness and continuous update. In the field of wine, Terroir hasbecn a maverick, the practice of the best drinking wine concept.